Prayer Brings Victory

When I asked God for strength
he gave me difficult situations to face
When I asked God for brain
he gave me puzzle in life to solve
When I asked God for happiness
he showed me some unhappy people
When I asked God for wealth
he showed me how to work hard
When I asked God for favors
he showed me opportunities to work hard
When I asked God for peace
he showed me how to help others
God gave me nothing I wanted
He gave me everything I needed

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Hidden Secrets of Household Chores

                          As soon as I hear the word 'household chores', my face changes to such a reluctant expression and so it changes for most of today's modern girls. But, on the contrary, one acceptable fact is that, doing these home-based mechanical work can greatly help us in maintaining our perfect figure and structure. Though this statement of mine sounds too vague, that is indeed a cent percent true fact. I was just thinking about this when I was cleaning my home today................... About a couple of months ago, I was reading an article in 'The Hindu' stating the importance of doing household chores which in turn acts as a substitute for the gyms which we find in abundance in our areas.

                                  Even though we find it difficult to do our own work at homes, it's indeed a great 'calorie burner' if we do it. I can recollect some of the information tat I read and I'm sharing with you. When we opt to do our own petty works like cleaning our room, placing our things in place or similar works which give work to our physical parts, it itself serve to be as a good exercise tat we do in gyms spending time and money.
                                 While using our mop or broom for cleaning we can just stretch our hips and bent forward and backward which is the same action that's being done using any specialized kind of exercising equipment. Similarly, our wrists and elbow can be toned when giving frequent mechanical work to our hands by cleaning the vessels, refrigerator, dusting the furniture and so on. Ironing is said to be one of the best exercise for our hands. So, by practicing these chores, it yields a dual-benefit where we have given exercise to our body as well as our home sweet home would have become clean and tidy and attractive....Right? Doesn't it sound good"? Similarly, running up and down the stairs for fetching things can cause the excessive sweat to get rid off the body.
                                The greatest fact is that each and every parts of your body gets toned and shaped in the right way when we work towards it. So, the ultimate point is that, doing household chores is really a positive maker for the health and maintenance of our body and to stay physically fit. Indeed, its more advantageous than the gym counterparts if done seriously. Girlllsssssss.............Get ready to do some household chores and help our mom thus reaping a mutual harvest of a neat clean home and a beautiful slimmmy slimmy body......... I am also going to try it even though not much interested. Happy housekeeping & body maintaining!!!!!!!